All Grace Ministers' Association (AGMA)

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ALL GRACE MINISTERS ASSOCIATION is an End Time minister's coalition creating a bridge and linking ministries and ministers to evolve true concept of the body ministry emphasized in Scripture and to realize a possible platform for corporate implementation of strategic evangelism in the End Times.

In a superb blend, it brings together ministers of the gospel for the purpose of Mobilizing, Motivating and Aiding to enhance the effective carrying out of the kingdom work first in Africa and the world at large. ALL GRACE MINISTERS ASSOCIATION is born out of a genuine concern to harness available spiritual gifts, financial resources and even material blessings to place them at the feet of the Lord to ensure that men, money and materials do not become a hindrance to the spread of the gospel.

Each member of AGMA is committed to a lifestyle of simplicity with integrity and ready to go where God directs to offer what He demands in every given situation. As an organization, AGMA emphasizes five key values and seeks to achieve them.



Of great importance to All Grace Ministers Association is the body concept of Christian ministry. We strongly believe that if the hand and the leg work together, much will be achieved to the glory of God than each working alone. The great undoing of today's ministry, we think, is the severing of the body into separate, independent parts.

ALL GRACE MINISTERS ASSOCIATION seeks to encourage team work among local ministers of diverse gifts and callings for a quicker actualization of divine goals for us and our immediate geographical environment. We seeks to do this without tarnishing the independence, uniqueness and authority of each minister or organization.


ALL GRACE MINISTERS ASSOCIATION value and seeks to create, encourage, and maintain serious Christian and Ministerial relationships. First in our consideration and importance is the minister's upward and spiritual relationship with God evidenced in a life of devotion, dedication and integrity.

We also seek to create and cultivate and maintain ministerial fellowship with Churches and ministers within and outside our borders for co-operation in carrying out the Great Commission. Internal networking of ministries and ministers is seen as an important key for effective global evangelization in the end time.

At the same time, AGMA commits itself to building bridges over recognized gaps that hindered local co-operations through reconciliation, mutual respect and corporate prayers.


So many ministries have been made ineffective for lack of financial, human and material support. ALL GRACE MINISTERS ASSOCIATION seek to support upcoming ministries reasonably with needed and available resources through counsel, prayer, human assistance, pulpit supplies and finances.

AGMA provides an avenue where the abundance of one ministry can supply the need of another as stated in 2Cor.8:14, so that none is in want. We by this serve as a clearing house for international aid coming for the nationals and supervise its utilization to avoid misuse of God-given resources. People working in rural, unreached areas, through this scheme are made to have means of support thereby resulting in our working together for the harvest. If you need where to invest for the kingdom, All Grace can connect you to needy areas where your support can be best put into work.


The ministers are made to be sensitive to the dangers facing there flock but sometimes none really come to grip with the dangers the ministers faces in life, family and ministry. There are cases of burn-out, sharp and destructive criticism, discouragement disillusionment, and sometimes, complete fallout from the ministry; with no one lending an understanding, forgiveness, encouragement and help.

All Grace Ministers Association seek to provide a centre for the restoration of battered, fallen and wounded soldiers of the Lord's Army through counsel, guidance, prayers, love and acceptance leading to a re-introduction into effective ministry.


“After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel” (judges 2:10). All Grace views with serious concern the statement of this scripture and seeks to a avert its reality in our generation. Our work in God's house is seen as building on the foundation of former generation. The present is both a child of the past and the mother of tomorrow. We in AGMA envision not only the proper building in our time on former foundation, but also the raising of a future generation of ministers and men for the work of the kingdom.

We seek to challenge, motivate, encourage, train and most of all, serve as models to our younger ones who sense the call of God into Christian ministry. Every associate of All Grace Ministers Association must recognize and accept the duty of being a willing mentor and seek to foster hope for future Christian ministry through the youths of today. An efficient training centre and programme, a well-equipped library and Christian resource centre is envisioned to aid in this direction.

If the above meets your spiritual and ministerial concept, and you are interested in fostering a simple lifestyle, maintain Christian integrity and a conscious spiritual focus, join us and together, we shall achieve for God and our generation