m iCore - Membership Opportunities | International Congress on Rural Evangelism |icoreteam.org

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You too can be a part of iCore

Membership is open to any Christian who is passionate about evangelism and discipleship and willing to create time for fellowship, prayers and nurture of another believer. You can contact an iCORE member or leader closer to you or reach to our head office. A loving reception awaits you.

You can also fill our online membership form and we shall reach you after that.

Partnerships of different categories are also available and needed.

Evangelistic Partner: You can partner with us to bring redemptive crusade to your community. This partner would have done some mapping jobs of the area or have some level of commitment to support an outreach activity.

Other Opportunities include:

Prayer Partner: iCORE activities and its territories require serious prayer covering. Partners in this area take up the responsibility to give such a cover and we constantly offer them updates on activities or other areas that need prayers.

Financial Partner: The work we do require great financing to accomplish. God provides this through our financial partners who either send funds or materials needed for different projects. We do not expect that you will do this alone but whatever the Lord puts into your heart to contribute, will go a long way to help us deliver on our mandate.

Please prayerfully consider where God would have you function in this great rescue vision. You can also click here to download the membership form!